About Us


South Australian Historical Tool Association and its members are focused on preserving tools, their techniques of use and knowledge of the people and trades that used them. SAHTA are developing collections of tools pertaining to specific trades and will have examples of these on display along with information on how to restore and preserve tools. SAHTA holds monthly meetings in Adelaide for members to discuss and display tools with a different theme for each meeting. We also attend historical events to educate the public on the importance of tools in the development of our society. Donations of tools are welcome to add to the quality and range of our collections.

SAHTA started in early 2012 when a small group of tool collectors and traders met to discuss their tool interests. A couple more meetings and they expanded the group by inviting known tool collectors to a meeting at the Colonel Light Gardens RSL. This initial meeting brought in eight people. Monthly meetings continued with increasing interest and expansion of the group, so that ten years later meetings regularly attract forty people. A name and logo were formulated and voted by membership. SAHTA was incorporated in 2014 to formalise the structure, organisation and aims of the association.

SAHTA actively accept donations of tools. We are keen to get your unwanted tools back into circulation and used how they were originally intended. Contact us on 0468 407 390 or use the Contact Page to arrange pickup.

Old tools - don't ditch 'em, donate 'em.